Moon Forest


Moon Forest II

With the concept of ” Future living “, Moonshop launched a new Moon Forest with automatic misting feature in 2020. This design aims to meet the needs of busy urban dwellers who desire for more connection to nature by introducing green technology into their living spaces. The automatic mister will discharge water mist at specified intervals to provide the plants with the nourishment needed for growth without manual watering. From the design sketches to the realisation of the finished product, Moonshop Gallery hopes that everyone can appreciate the benefits of technology and return to living with nature.

月森会以植物鉴定与科技作为中心,继续研发以森林美学为基础的产品。本着”未来思考现在“的概念 ,月森于2020年推出一款全新月光森林自动浇水器。此设计是为了符合都市人对于绿化生活的需求以创 造理念与自然合一的生活空间而衍生。全新月光森林自动浇水器在指定时间会启动自动浇水器,在无需 人工浇水的情况下植物也能健康的成长。从设计草图至成品的诞生,月森希望大家能体验科技带来的便 同时也能回归与大自然共处的生活。美学与科技,人与自然,让大家体验科技带给我们的方便之余,也 可以绿化家居生活。月光森林II不止滋养植物同时在雾化的过程可以为植物增添了一丝意境,确保植物 成长及提高美学价值。月森希望通过结合月光森林II可以让大家体验科学与美学带来的方便。简化的养 护步骤,符合了都市人的生活需求。

S size: 10 Inch Globe + Lamp + Stand+ Wooden base

M size: 12 Inch Globe + Lamp + Stand+ Wooden base

L size: 16 Inch Globe + Lamp + Wooden base

XL size: 20 Inch Globe + Lamp + Wooden base

Auto irrigation system – Add RM400

* If you choose to add Auto Irrigation System, we will only deliver your order 21 days after payment is made.
