Forest Cabinet


Bring home a forest, have a companion through the years.

Encapsulating the concept of 1+1, with creative design and imagination, transport your senses from home to forest living. From the development of Moon Forest to various Forest furniture, the design principles of forest aesthetics are focused on the nuanced expression of the pure and natural beauty of materials and plants through dedicated craft and refinement of details. Through smooth, clear glass, the emerald green plant is perfectly framed by the rustic wooden frames, and the clean lines calmly bring out the quiet and delicate beauty of the Forest Cabinet.

Placement of plants in the living space is also an important part of plant maintenance. In addition to cultivating plants, the Forest Cabinet is a center piece for a variety of spaces, either on study desks or in living rooms. It can also be used to store documents, dishes, or your precious items and trinkets, lessening the storage problem at home as our work life pattern changes. As the time spent at home is increasing day by day, better organization of our living spaces makes time at home more comfortable and pleasing.


把森林带回家 陪您过小日子

秉持着1+1的概念,以些微的摆设赋予生活想象力, 让你在家却犹如身处在森林的感觉。從月光森林到森林傢具的体现,简单自然的美,佐以手作的態度以呈现刚刚好的美学,以启发一系列的森林家居产品设计。质朴的木框搭配光滑沁凉的玻璃表面,透过橱柜得以看见植物的翠绿。简化木框线条,沉稳的将森柜衬托出静谧且细腻的美。摆设植物在适应的空间, 也是保养植物重要的一部分。森柜除了能养殖植物外,它可以摆放在书桌,客厅及不同空间;收纳文件,碗碟,或一些您珍贵的物品,解决居家的收纳问题,随着工作及生活模式的转变,留在家中的时间日增,透过妥善的整理生活空间,可令在家的时间更舒适。森柜设计提供三种不同的尺寸,让大家按室内的空间及用途所需而放置。
